Shuraa Tax Consultants and Accountants

UAE Tax Agent Services

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Shuraa tax is a top-rated licenced tax agent in the UAE. We provide the best and top-notch tax agent services in UAE as a licenced tax agency. We assist enterprises with guidance and implementation and compliance of VAT in accordance with FTA regulations. We are approved by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) and nominated as Tax agency by enterprises and businesses to represent them before the FTA.

Tax Agent In Dubai

In Dubai, a tax agent is typically chosen to speak on behalf of another individual to the federal tax office. A tax agent in Dubai handles the company's tax responsibilities and makes sure that all business operations adhere to the FTA's laws and regulations.

Who In Particular Is A Tax Agent?

A tax agent is a person who is registered with the FTA and is designated by tax registrants to represent them before the FTA and help them in assessing their tax liabilities and exercising their related tax rights. In any tax-related concerns, the tax agent can act as the company's legal representative before the FTA. Registered tax agents may guarantee that firms meet their tax requirements.

While the purpose of a tax agent is to assist companies in meeting their tax responsibilities, a taxable person is not required to employ a tax agent. The employment of a tax agent does not alleviate the taxable person of their duties; the taxable person is ultimately legally responsible for the tax agent's transactions with the FTA on their behalf.

Tax Agent Responsibilities

When a person chooses a tax agent to operate in his or her name and on his or her behalf, the tax agent must do the following:

  • Assist Taxable Persons with their tax duties in accordance with the Taxable Person's and Tax Agent's contractual agreement.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of any information collected while carrying out his or her obligations as a Tax Agent.
  • Refuse to engage in any effort or strategy that may result in any individual breaking the law or jeopardising the integrity of the tax system.
  • Provide all information, papers, records, and data on the Taxable Person he/she represents as requested by the FTA.

Qualities And Qualifications Of The Best Tax Agents In The UAE

Before you hire a tax agent, you should know the most important traits and skills that person needs to have. Article 10 of Cabinet Decision No. (36) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation of Federal Law No. (7) of 2017 says that a tax agent must have the following traits and skills to be mentioned in the FTA Register:

  • Tax agents in the UAE must be good people who have never been accused of a crime.
  • Must have a bachelor's or master's degree in tax, accounting, or law from an approved school. A bachelor's degree plus a tax certification from a well-known tax college is also acceptable.
  • At least three years of work as a tax expert, lawyer, or accountant
  • Written and spoken Arabic and English conversation skills. Must have passed any test to meet the FTA's qualification standards.
  • Medically fit to do the work of a tax agent in the UAE
  • Must have or be covered by professional injury insurance.

Advantages Of Hiring A Tax Agent In The UAE

A tax agent may handle all a company's tax matters, allowing the firm owner and senior management workers to focus on other critical tasks. The following are the primary advantages of engaging a tax advisor in the UAE:

Here are some of the best reasons to hire a registered tax agent and tax consultants in the UAE:

Needed Information On Tax Assessments And Appeals.

A tax agent's main job is to file tax forms and figure out how much tax to pay. But an agent like this can also help your business in other ways. These people can speak for your business in front of the Federal tax officials. They also help clients figure out how much tax they need to pay. A skilled tax agent in Dubai can help your business and make a lot of the process less complicated.

It Helps You Save Time And Money.

Getting an attorney to handle the tax matters of your business takes a lot of time and work. So many things need to be looked at and taken care of. The agent takes care of things like registering for VAT, planning for VAT, assessing compliance, and so on. These must be done because the tax and VAT rules in the UAE have changed. When you use your company's tools and employees to handle tax and VAT, it takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money. By hiring a tax attorney, you can save money and valuable time.

Help With Tax Filing And Registration In Dubai!

Getting registered for VAT in Dubai can be a bit of a hassle for both new and current companies. They might not have enough good ideas about how to get things done. To apply VAT, you need to know a lot about how businesses work and a lot of other connected things. When a tax agent knows how to use all the VAT effects well, it's easier for a company to follow the Vat rule. As is, this is true for any business in the UAE.

Help With Filing Your Tax Returns Correctly And On Time.

Timing is very important when it comes to making tax and VAT forms in Dubai. The same can be said about how well the whole process works. If you are late or make mistakes on your tax forms, your business may have to pay a big tax penalty. A tax agent can make sure that your business files its tax returns correctly and on time.

Long-Term Service As An Advisor

A tax agent is your company's long-term business and tax expert. He or she can tell you about changes in government policies, changes to tax laws, new information about taxes, etc. Hiring a skilled tax agent is worth more than what it costs. Make sure your business in the UAE has the best agent.

Leveraging Tax Agent Services

It is extremely advised that businesses and individuals use a tax agent. Companies may not always focus on and find time to handle tax requirements. As a result, it is best to hire a tax agent to handle tax matters.

Our highly experienced and skilled tax experts played a critical part in the smooth implementation of VAT in the UAE by assisting the business community in comprehending the rules and regulations.

Shuraa tax has competent tax advisors in the UAE who are well-versed in UAE tax rules and regulations. We provide the best and top-notch tax agent services in UAE as one of the leading tax agencies in Dubai. Our team of experienced company tax advisers is ready to help you in preparing for business tax. Call +971 508912062 or send an email to get in touch with us.

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